FOTB: Day One

Wow.  That’s another day gone - its funny really, you feel like you’ve been here for ages based on what you’ve seen, but then you step back and realise it’s only Monday.

John Davis’ Keynote was a good introduction - teasing us with the features of Flash Player 10 - and setting us up for Wednesdays’ session on “The Ying and Yang of Flash”.  I missed the mornings session on “Mash-up widgets with Adobe AIR”, but caught Brendan Halls’ “Brilliant Ideas that I’ve blatantly stolen” - which had some really interesting ideas - and saw Thermo in all its prerelease glory at Mark Anders’ “A Preview of Flex 4 and ‘Thermo’”

Really interesting however was the session by Erik Natzke on “Beyond the Knowledge: The Art of Play” where he showed how he’s developed Flash into and art tool, and uses it to create works of art like the one above and those on Flickr and his blog.  Inspiring stuff.

As for the social side of things, Mark met ‘the guy who wrote Tweener’ although I missed him.

Beer and sessions are another inspired idea for networking, and we also met Tim and Kyle from Team Cooper Ltd..

On Tueday we’ve got sessions by Lee Brimelow and Grant Skinner so no doubt they’ll be awesome.