ImageSizer - now with a Feedback form!

I’m a bit of a slave to my own ideas - why else would I spend my evenings knocking together a whole host of not-really-nessesary features for a simple application?  I have to many ideas I want to impliment and too little time to do it, so I’m also acutely aware that I tend to break things without realising, when I try and rush new features through.  Hopefully though, it’ll all turn out ok in the end!

Today’s release of ImageSizer (version 0.4.3) introduces another new feature - the Feedback panel.  Essentially it’s just a traditional e-mail contact form - heck, it doesn’t even have any validation (yet) - but it should allow anyone who has any ideas or comes across any bugs to drop me a note from within the application.  Kudos to Eero Koplimets for taking the time to suggest this feature!

You can download the latest and greatest version of ImageSizer from the badge in the right hand column, or upgrade automatically from a previous version by either a) Opening ImageSizer or b) Opening the Application Settings panel within ImageSizer, and clicking the button marked ‘Check for Updates now’.