ImageSizer is now available from the Adobe AIR Marketplace!

A couple of days ago Adobe relaunched the AIR Marketplace - the official repository of AIR applications available for download - and with it made things a lot more accessible for ‘Publishers’ to add their applications to the Marketplace.  I’m not really sure how you got your applications on the previous version of the marketplace, but now you just have to submit yourself as a publisher, get approved, and then submit your AIR application to the Marketplace (which also has to be approved).

So I’m pleased to announce that ImageSizer is now available from the Adobe AIR Marketplace, and we even fixed a few bugs in the process.

ImageSizer on the Adobe AIR Marketplace

Updates?  Updates you say?

Well first off, apologies to anyone who was using ImageSizer regularily - a couple of automatic updates went out recently, and both of them had a few bugs in them.  One made the application fail totally on Multiscreen setups - and the other well, wasn’t so critical.

Anyway, those are fixed now!

ImageSizer is now at version - in honour of it’s release on the AIR Marketplace we’ve introduced a few more tweaks to the application settings, removed the somewhat annoying alerts at the start, and attempted to make the interface a bit more intuative.  Why don’t you download it and try it out now!

ImageSizer on AIR Marketplace